The war the media's not talking about. Plus: Is "Call of Duty" really to blame for mass shootings?
A Texas-sized milestone for school choice. Plus: BLM is hurting BLM.
We're trying something new today.
What can we learn from the senseless killing of one of my college friends? Plus: The truth about campus protests.
U.S. cities don't need ceasefire resolutions. Plus: What voters get wrong about the economy.
Revenge of the normies. Plus: Did Elon just fix the misinformation crisis?
A reality check about enforcing gun laws. Plus: Does Trump's VP pick even matter?
What unites the fringe left and right? Plus: A big sign Latinos are assimilating.
Will the debates swing the 2024 election? Plus: Why MSNBC can't quit Trump.
The truth about price gouging. Plus: Trump really does not like wind.